1. Ping-Pong Door
This cool door is a pleasure for all people who love being in the house, especially for those who want to exercise indoors because the weather prevented or reluctant to go outside. Ping-Pong Door is designed by Tobias Fränzel, behind the door and then turned into a ping pong table, all ready to play. And after you've finished, turn the door again and back into a functional door.

2. Door Curtain
Created by Matharoo Associates for a diamond merchant in India, this door is made as high as 17 feet and 5 and a half feet wide, and consists of 40 parts of Burma teak, each of which is almost 1 foot thick. Each piece revolves around some fairly complex machines, single shaft door peg actually hid a counterweight, 80 ball bearings, and 160 pulley. Constructed of polished wood panels, doors are designed to be opened in the same way as fan folding. Every time you open the door, this board will gradually move away to greet you.

3. Doors Destroyed

This work was created by a talented artist from Argentina named Leandro Erlich. The door is broken is the art on view at the gallery Brito Luciana in São Paulo, Brazil.

4. Green Revolution Door

The door remains door, right? Fluxxlab from New York to produce the Revolution Door is supported by the turbine so that all the people who pass through every time they enter or exit the building will rotate the door and then generate electrical energy efficiently. Suitable for installation in all the luxury casino in Las Vegas given the number of people who traffic in there very much. Revolution Door is expected to save money on electricity bills of the respective buildings.

5. Light & Air Doors

Light & Air Doors Luna is a simple door with a mysterious character that provides the functional features that surprising. Line the hole in the door can be opened and closed by sliding the button, which regulates the amount of light, air and noise between two rooms. Constructed of hollow core doors with interior panels that shift from left to right. Exterior surface can be made in a variety of wood, metal and fabric.

6. Jib door

When I wanted to get a secret door on your bed, you basically have three choices: You can make your own, you can buy premade revolving bookcase from the company's ordinary wood-working, or you can choose to hide the creative precision system from Creative Home Engineering. As stated by them, "Thieves can not steal on a room if it can not find where the room was located." So, to make sure you keep a secret door hidden, Creative Home Engineering offers a number of non-traditional hiding machines. Sure, they have a revolving bookcase and standard shear wall panels. But, the company also had a hidden door construction of the old clock, a fireplace, painting, stairs, and other household equipment.

7. Door Board Write

What if you have a chalkboard near the door of the bathroom or kitchen? That's cool and a great way to leave a note of inspiration, messages or reminders for those of you who need to leave a note.

8. Door Hangers

Inside this door, the hooks are hidden in it when the door closes. Only when you open the door hanger to be open and ready to wear.

9. Into & Out Door

Factory sticker may be out of business because the sticker "PUSH" and "PULL" those who today are often found at the door will be felt not attractive & modern. Door Into & Out solve the problem to indicate push or pull on the door with a door handle that intutif. On the "PUSH", there is a flat panel and on the "PULL" knob. You instinctively know how to open the door!

10. Doors Alice in the Wonderland

This is the front door of The Moxie Spot, at Atlantic Avenue. Design of the "Three in One" is made for adults, children, and pets as well. Moxie Spot is a family establishment in communicating tergambat in this copper door, from the smallest family, to the highest.

11. Automatic Doors ETAF

No matter how high and your size. Automatic door is always suitable for your size. Door Etaf make users feel like they ride the space shuttle "Sci-Fi", but the technology used to power it is purely from the 21st century. Etaf door-sized hole size standard, consisting of about 35 lines each 2 inches tall, sliding metal bar that is divided vertically in the middle. When the user approaches the threshold, infrared sensors at the top and sides of door height and width of one scan. Metal bar like a silhouette of a striped mirror will shift.