Tips On How To Help Depression

Posted by Bedz kamhaj | 7:05 AM | , , | 0 comments »
Clinical depression is a state of sadness, melancholia or despair that has resulted in devastating consequences for the individual in terms of its functioning in society and in carrying out his daily activities.

Although a bad mood or depressed, which affects the individual, often referred to as depression, clinical depression is a medical diagnosis and is different from the commonly used phrase "being depressed".

It occurs in approximately 25% women and 10% of men sometime during their life. It is estimated that worldwide 340 million people suffer from depression during a certain time. In addition to the large incidence of depression has a strong tendency to relapse (the return). High recurrence may be associated with genetic susceptibility, initial onslaught of symptoms, diagnosis and inadequate treatment and inadequate emphasis on prevention.

Untreated depression often leads to personal, marital, family, work and financial difficulties and is associated with high suicide rates (some studies say by almost 15% in patients with severe depression).

Types of depression

There are two basic forms of depression:

• More severe, short-lived form = severe depression

• Longer lasting, less severe = Dysthymia

Other types of depression are:

• Adjustment disorders with concomitant depressive mood - depressed in response to a life event such as death or divorce

• Bipolar disorder (depressive illness) - covers a period of severe depression followed by periods of mania (abnormal and extreme outbursts of rage reactions or unusual forcefulness)

Symptoms of depression

One of the two following symptoms must last for at least two weeks:

• Depressed mood or

• Loss of interest or pleasure in all activities almost

Just in humans manifested any of these symptoms in conjunction with at least five of the following symptoms persisting for 2 weeks-oh:

• Tremendous feeling of sadness or fear or apparent inability to feel emotions

• The decline of interest or pleasure from almost all daily activities

• Change in appetite associated with weight loss or gathered

• Psychomotor agitation or slowed reaction almost every day

• Nausea, mental or physical, also loss of energy

• Guilt, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety or fear

• Difficulty concentrating or when making decisions, including memory

• Declining self-esteem

• Disinterest in personal hygiene


• Healthy lifestyles (proper diet, enough sleep, regular exercise, art, relax, consuming alcoholic beverages or other drugs) may help prevent depression and may reduce the chances of its repetition is.

• Counseling can help the patient go through periods of grief, stress or bad mood. Family therapy is particularly important for teenagers who are very awkward.

• For older people and others who feel socially isolated or abandoned, it is recommended to engage in various voluntary or group activities.

Tips on how to help depression

• Carefully plan your day - you always make time for you to work zadelili according to its importance, it will help you acquire a sense of control over what you do and what you can

• Plan your work and sleep - 7 or 8 hours of sleep at night is important for wellbeing

• Attend the leisure activities - sports, theater, clubs and associations interested in anything you can bring opportunities meet new people interested in the same things as you, and it can help a welcome change in daily activities

• Seek help from other people - they can be your partner or friend, family member etc.; sharing of emotions reduces isolation and helps you realize that you are not alone.