BELGIA - Kalau Freddy Krugger mantap di film horor, maka Fred Krugger yang satu ini "mantap" dalam hal memodifikasi motor. Ide-idenya brilian. Salah satunya terlihat pada sepeda motor Buell yang kemudian "diacak-acak" dan dinamai "Goodwood".

Seorang pengamat menyebut motor buatan Fred Krugger ibarat paduan bentuk bodi motor "Stream Liner" Ducati lawas yang notabene beraroma Italia, bentuk mesin "V" ala motor AS, dan gaya futuristik motor Jepang. Desain yang sangat global!

Namun yang juga menarik adalah keberadaan corong udara (air intake) yang dipasangkan di dekat tangki bensin mirip periskop pada kapal selam. Begitulah yang terlihat saat motor ini digunakan di padang garam Bonneville, Utah, AS, untuk membuat catatan kecepatan. Mengenai fungsinya, agaknya desain itu memang tidak terlalu mendukung sisi aerodinamika seperti lazimnya kendaraan yang turun di lintasan padang garam tersebut. Namun, itu melengkapi bentuk-bentuk menarik pada motor ini. salah satunya komposisi dari kesan "bongsor", "ceper", dan "panjang".

Tampilan bisa begitu lantaran penggunaan karburator menggantung sehingga mesin bisa sedikit naik dan memungkinkan badan motor merebah. Lalau, peredam kejut depan yang pendek, dan suspensi belakang dengan sudut nyaris nol derajat atau sejajar dengan mesin.

Kesan "bongsor" dan "bulat" hadir berkat pemasangan buritan penahan kursi penumpang, tameng aerodinamis, dan roda-roda dengan ukuran 120/70 velg 19 inci (depan) dan 180/55 velg 18 inci (belakang). Ya, roda depan terlihat lebih besar, tetapi lebih ramping, khas motor chooper Amerika.

Ide brilian lainnya adalah penempatan knalpot ganda yang tersimpan kompak di buritan. Dua knalpot itu dibuat atas-bawah.

Motor garapan modifikator Belgia ini sedianya menggunakan mesin Buell XBR 985 cc dan nyaris di semua bagian adalah hasil buatan sendiri dan khusus dari Krugger, kecuali kerangka, flywheels, piston, slinder, dan transmisi yang semuanya masih bawaan asli.

Dengan lama pengerjaan 90 hari, Goodwood berhasil meraih penghargaan European Championship untuk kategori Freestyle. (Dimas)


JAKARTA - PT Bajaj Auto Indonesia (BAI) menaikan target penjualan Pulsar 220 yang baru dilepas ke pasar sepeda motor Indonesia pertengahan Maret 2011 dari 5.000 unit menjadi 6.000 unit. Pasalnya, menurut Eko Dirgantoro, Kepala Penjualan Nasional BAI, pada bulan pertama setelah peluncuran, 400 unit yang disediakan terjual habis. Kondisi ini membuat BAI minta pasokan ke prinsipal dinaikkan jadi 600 unit per bulan.

"Ternyata di bulan selanjutnya seluruh unit juga terjual ludes. Akhirnya, kita minta sekarang jadi 800 unit per bulan. Inden sudah mencapai dua pekan, dan kiriman akan masuk awal Juni," jelas Eko di Indochine Cafe, Senayan, Jakarta Selatan, hari ini (25/5/2011).

Mengenai penjualan Bajaj sepanjang Januari-April 2011, Eko mengaku mencapai 8.000 unit. Sampai akhir tahun, penjualan Bajaj didongkrak mencapai 80 persen menjadi 36.000 unit dari 2010 yang cuma 20.000 unit.

"Kami sangat yakin bisa meraih target penjualan karena didukung dengan penambahan jaringan baru serta peluncuran Pulsar 220 ke pasar. Lonjakkan penjualan bakal terjadi mulai Juli sampai Oktober karena pasar lagi puncak-puncaknya," beber Eko.

Scooter kini kembali marak di Indonesia, begitu juga di Jepang, dengan kapasitas orang-orangnya yang aktif dan kreatif trend modif scooter begitu sangat berkembang di sana, dari mulai modif scooter yang super extreme sampai scooter yang elegant.. berikut foto - foto dari modifikasi penggemar scooter di Jepang ..


Bus Mewah Dengan Kamar Hotel - Senyaman apapun bus wisata yg ada saat ini, pasti semua orang mempunyai kesulitan utk tidur dgn nyenyak di kursi yg ada.

Rotel Tours menawarkan sebuah wisata dgn sewa bus yg membuat siapapun dapt tidur dgn nyaman karena di dalam sewa bus ini juga telah disediakan kamar hotel.

Di dalamnya terdapat beberapa kamar dgn ukuran lebar 0,91 m x tinggi 0,91 m tetapi sayg tidak ada informasi panjangnya dan ini yg penting padahal.

Terlepas dari ukuran, di dalamnya sudah disediakan kasur empuk utk membuat anda nyenyak dan jendela kecil sehingga anda bisa melihat pemandangan pada saat perjalanan.

Tetapi jangan berharap bahwa ada kamar mandi pribadi yah, yg ada adalah kamar mandi tanpa shower yg busa anda gunakan bersama-sama.

Sewa Bus ini disediakan dalam berbagai jenis dgn kapasitas mulai 20, 24 sampai 40 penumpang yg berarti ada kamar yg sesuai dgn kapasitas penumpang.

Dan kalau sudah bosan di kamar, anda bisa kembali ke kursi yg juga disediakan.
If you are a mobile application developer, develop Android applications and/or iPhone applications, and want those applications to rank high on the Android Market or iOS App Store respectively, then it is not only the number of downloads but also the active users number that is going to be taken into consideration.

The changes to the App Store seem to have taken place recently. The free iPhone applications that feature in the Top free Apps chart of Apple Inc. include Facebook, Netflix and Pandora.

There are many experts that consider that taking into consideration the active users of an application is a step towards measuring the correct popularity of the application.

Google was the first one to bring change in the algorithm for ranking the applications. It brought the change in the later part of March. Without losing much time, Apple too followed the suit. This became obvious when my Yearbook Android application jumped from 63rd rank to 11th rank in the Android market list.

The new system of ranking seems to be bit more complex than its predecessors. Besides the new installations per day, the new algorithm takes into consideration the extent of activity. So the utility of the application is also now considered.

There are experts who believe that either the DAU or the sticky factor is considered for ranking the application. DAU stands for daily active users. Sticky Factor is the ratio of Daily Active Users (DAU) to Monthly Active Users (MAU)

The change in the algorithm seems to justify the real meaning of a successful application. Now a successful application is not only the one that is downloaded the most but also used actively the most. This has been the basis of ranking the games and social application on the Facebook and now this serves as the basis for ranking on the Android Market and Apple Appstore. Now the application developers will have to also focus on the utility of the application. This change has a positive effect on the users and developers of applications.

This change is going to benefit Twitter and Facebook. Applications like Spotify, Pandora, Netflix and iPlayer are going to get a boost in the rankings. Game applications like Zombie Farm and Smurfs Village that have comparatively longer shelf life will gain grounds. Those game applications that do not get updated regularly are going to lose grounds.

As a consequence of this change, the newspaper applications will have to make their content so interesting that the brand loyalty towards it is maintained. To get the advantage of the new changes in the algorithm the newspaper application will need to be used at least once in twenty four hours.

Copyright  2011

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By : Danice

Mauritius is one of the most favorite destinations for wedding and that is why Wedding photography Mauritius is so popular and in demand. Wedding photography Mauritius can capture the magic of your wedding in the most special way. Wedding photography Mauritius can create magical albums by capturing each moment of the most important day of your life. When we see portfolios then we dream of getting the same quality of snaps. Wedding photography Mauritius can get beautiful pictures of the same quality that you always dreamt of. We all see our wedding pictures every now and then and nothing feels greater than seeing ourselves in beautiful poses. It feels great to see ourselves beautiful and in great poses.

Wedding Photographer that you select for your wedding has the greatest role in making you look beautiful and natural in your wedding pictures. Wedding Photographers are trained enough to capture each small moment in innovative manner so that everything looks natural. It becomes very important to find and book a Wedding Photographer well before time s o that you can get the best Wedding Photographer for your wedding.

Apart from wedding, people are crazy about Portrait Photography and they want the best. Family portraits are also getting popular and have become common for living rooms. Portrait Photography can easily help you in getting a perfect family portrait for your living room. You can also get couple portraits for your bedroom and can also be used in the special corners of your home. Before you decide to go to a profession who can do Portrait Photography for you, you need to be sure of the kind of portrait you want and what is your budget for Portrait Photography. Portrait Photography for living rooms is certainly different than the Portrait Photography that is done for other types of portraits. Photography studios Melbourne is fully equipped to get any type of portraits ready for you.

Photography studios Melbourne is also preferred by the people who look forward to stylish fashion photography. If you want to step into the world of fashion then you can walk to a good photography studios Melbourne for fashion photography. You can get great portfolios made for you at these photography studios Melbourne. Not only this but today even you can do Photography courses Mauritius and become great photographer. These Photography courses Mauritius are not only for the people who aspire to make their name in the world of fashion photography or do any other specialization like portrait photography. Photography courses Mauritius can also be just another way of nurturing your hobby.

Photography courses Mauritius are easily available and there is no age bar for joining these courses. These Photography courses Mauritius can help you in establishing your career as a photographer if taken seriously. You can do a specialization course in any of the fields of photography. Fashion photography is one of the most popular specializations that have huge prospects for a bright career. You can get help and information from renowned named like Clique photographers that have become a brand in photography.

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Ponsel telah menjadi salah satu perangkat pendukung terpenting aktivitas sehari-hari. Namun kadang secara tidak sadar kita memakai ponsel secara tidak sadar dan berlebihan hingga tagihan membengkak. Mungkin beberapa hal berikut bisa dilakukan untuk mensiasati agar pulsa tak menggelembung.

1. Ganti ke Pasca Bayar.
Bagi yang masih memakai pra bayar segeralah beralih. Tak perlu khawatir harus berganti nomor. Sekarang hampir semua operator memberi kemudahan migrasi. Cukup datang ke kantor pusat layanan operator. Tarifnya jauh lebih murah. Sekedar contoh, tarif percakapan kartu Matrix pada jam sibuk (08.00 -22.00 WIB) per menit ke PSTN Rp. 503, 75 ; ke nomor sesama Indosat Rp. 812,5 ; dan ke seluler operator lain Rp. 910. Sementara pada Mentari pada waktu yang sama per menitnya ke PSTN Rp. 816 ; ke nomor sesama Indosat Rp. 1500 ; dan ke seluler operator lain Rp. 1713.

Bahkan belum lama ini Telkomsel dan Indosat meluncurkan paket kartu pasca bayar yang bisa dipilih sesuai kebutuhan. Bila jeli memilih, Anda bisa menikmati tarif yang lebih ekonomis lagi. Ada tiga paket dari Telkomsel yaitu: free roaming, free 150 SMS, dan free Abonemen. Sementara Indosat mengeluarkan paket Matrix bebas roaming dan free abonemen. 

2. Kurangi Menelepon Pada Jam Sibuk
Bersyukurlah bagi pelanggan operator yang menerapkan tarif flat. Tak dibedakan argo pulsa antara siang atau malam. Pada kartu pra bayar hanya Simpati dan IM3 Smart yang tidak menggunakan tarif flat. Sedangkan untuk kartu pasca bayar, hampir semua operator membedakan tarif percakapan pada peak hour dan offpeak/ hari libur & raya. Rata-rata tarif percakapan pada jam sibuk per menitnya lebih mahal hingga 25 persen.

3. Gunakan SMS dan Layanan SMS Gratis.
Paling mahal tarifnya cuma' Rp. 350. Sedangkan SMS internasional Rp 500. Komunikasi juga tak kalah asyik dibanding menelepon. Jika tak harus menelepon lebih baik pakai layanan SMS. Apalagi kini tak terbatas hanya 160 karakter. Tentu Anda harus mengaktifkan fitur �long messages' pada handphone Anda. Jika sedang selancar internet, manfaatkan layanan SMS gratisan. Anda bisa menggunakan layanan dari, yahoo2SMS,atau Di paket kartu Halo Anda bisa SMS gratis sebanyak 150 kali. Lumayan kan? 

4. Mulai Membiasakan Diri Dengan Layanan MMS. Ini lebih asyik lagi.
Pesan bisa berupa gabungan suara, gambar, dan kata-kata sekaligus. Tak perlu khawatir dengan keterbatasan karakter. Sekali kirim bisa ribuan karakter. Dijamin uneg-uneg saat curhat' bisa tertampung semua hanya dengan beberapa kali kirim MMS. Tarifnya paling mahal hanya Rp. 1250 per MMS. Bisa dihitung lagi dengan pasti. Bila menelepon pasti tidak akan terasa. Tahu-tahu pulsa jebol.

5. Mainkan Konten Handphone. Pas sendiri atau berada di tempat yang asing',
Ppasti Anda sering cari-cari kesibukan. Kirim SMS atau menelepon biasanya menjadi pilihan pertama. Kalau sudah begitu pulsa pasti kedodoran. Tentu Anda tak mau kan? Untuk menghilangkan rasa suntuk, sudah saatnya isi handphone dipakai semaksimal mungkin. Koleksi games dan ringtone bisa dimainkan. Agar tak membosankan rajin-rajinlah mengganti atau menambah koleksi itu. Biar tak ada lagi istilah bengong dan iseng menelepon teman setiap saat dimanapun Anda berada.

6. Manfaatkan layanan download gratis.
Jangan terlalu banyak korbankan' pulsa Anda untuk download games, ringtone, wallpaper. Kalau ada yang gratisan kenapa tidak. Memang sih Anda akan masih dibebani tarif akses data GPRS. Tetapi jangan terlalu khawatir sebab lumayan murah, rata-rata hanya Rp.25 per kilobite. Bahkan Mobile-8 cuma Rp. 5 per kilobite. Sedang harga konten gratis. Kunjungi saja situs semacam Koleksinya pun lumayan lengkap. Minimal bila tertarik pada konten yang disediakan content provider jangan buru-buru beli. Cari saja terlebih dulu di situs gratisan itu. 

Sumber: telset magazine - plaza pulsa
Wilmington NC Remodeling - Dealing with your Bathroom

Given that bathrooms are a room in the home where we spend a considerable quantity of time, changing the appearance and feel of the room can be really appealing. Never to be forgotten will be the well-known fact that bathrooms and kitchens sell houses. Any and all improvements you can make to your house significantly enhance the value of your investment. Bathroom remodeling can be very simple, straightforward and simple. Depending on your spending budget, you can start basically having a fresh coat of paint, a new shower curtain or a various light fixture. If you want to go all out, your bathroom remodeling can incorporate changing every little thing, from the floor to the ceiling and every little thing in between. Should you be in Wilmington NC remodeling your bathroom might be an enjoyable expertise once you hire the services of a reputable contractor, for example Above Grade Builders.

Unique Things to consider for Bathroom Remodeling
You could be in the middle of taking on a total addition having a new master suite and ensuite bathroom, but, even though bathrooms are comparatively little rooms, they can price a whole lot of money to remodel/build and some unique considerations must be taken into account when taking into consideration the changes. Some of these items would incorporate:

� Has the contractor you are contemplating performed other Wilmington NC home additions?
� Is the contractor an established Wilmington NC home builder?
� Do you'll need a building permit?
� What is the spending budget?
� Should you use a Wilmington NC remodel contractor or attempt the bathroom remodel/build yourself?
� Where can you locate a professional contractor?
� How numerous estimates should you get?
� Is the job priced at price (a fixed price) or price plus (leaves room for modifications) by the contractor?
� How and when does the contractor anticipate to be paid?
� Will the contractor be willing and able to do the bathroom remodeling to suit your schedule/lifestyle?
� What varieties of finishes do you need to use for the bathroom remodeling project?
� Inform yourself either by reading or searching on the web about the varieties of products your contractor ought to be using.
� Ensure that your contractor is making use of supplies that can guarantee a leak-free and mold-resistant outcome.
� Make a list of what youll want for the project, such as faucets, a vanity, countertop material, a sink or sinks, your lighting, a toilet a shower door or rod for a curtain, the tiles you like on the shower, the type of flooring you want, the color of paint you need on the walls as well as the mirror(s) you like employed.
� Consider should you must consist of extra storage within the style.

These are just a couple of of the questions you need answered prior to you enter into a contract for the job. If achievable, be inside your house when the contractor and his workers are there and do not be shy to ask questions or check on their function. If there is some thing you do not comprehend, ask. In case you feel some thing doesnt appear appropriate, point it out. You're, right after all, paying for a job that wont let you down.

Source :
Di bawah ini adalah beberapa deretan Laptop Terbaru 2011 :

DosPara Prime Note Rigel DC2 Slim

DosPara Prime Note Rigel DC2 Slim
The Prime Note Rigel DC2 is the latest slim and light laptop from DosPara for the Japanese market. The system packs a 13.3-inch 1366 x 768 LCD display, a 1.2GHz Intel Celeron SU2300 processor, an integrated graphics card, a 2GB RAM, a 250GB hard drive, a 1.3-megapixel webcam, a card reader, WiFi, an HDMI port and is pre-installed with Windows 7 Home Premium OS. The Prime Note Rigel DC2 sells for 39,980 Yen (about $476).

Intel Core2 Duo Processor P7550 -3 MB L2 Cache

Processor  Intel Core2 Duo Processor P7550 -3 MB L2 Cache
Ram – 4GB
Video – Nvidia GeForce GT 130M – Up to 2815MB (1024MB dedicated)
500GB (5400RPM)
Integrated 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN
Intel WiFi Link 5100AGN
Altec Lansing with Dolby Home Theater with Sub-Woofer
101-key compatible with full size keyboard with integrated numeric keypad
Touch Pad with On/Off button and dedicated vertical scroll Up/Down pad
1 ExpressCard/54 Slot (also supports ExpressCard/34)
HP Webcam with integrated digital microphone
Integrated Fingerprint Reader
5-in-1 integrated Digital Media Reader for Secure Digital cards, MultiMedia cards, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Pro, or xD Picture cards
4 Universal Serial Bus (USB) 2.0, 4th port shared with eSATA
LightScribe SuperMulti 8X DVD±R/RW with Double Layer Support
16.0″ Diagonal High Definition HP BrightView Infinity Display (1366×768)

Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 35
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 35
sony vio
Display15,6 hd display
Prosesor Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 350 @ 2.27GHz
OS Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (build 7600), 64-bit
Ram 4gb ram
Graphics cardATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650(2.7gb)
500gb hdd
blueray rom
1080 full hd
built in web cam

Dengan mengikuti perkembangan zaman sekarang Teknologi Terbaru semakin canggih, hasil sementara tercatat Laptop Terbaik Untuk Bermain Game. Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas silahkan baca di bawah ini.

1. Hp Pavilion Hdx16-1040us
Hp Pavilion Hdx16-1040us
Hp Pavilion Hdx16-1040us

  • Display 16 inch
  • Processor 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk 320 GB
  • Graphics card 512 MB GeForce 9600
  • Berat 3.2 kg
  • Price $1100

2. HP HDX 18T

  • Display 18 inch HD HP Ultra Brightview Infinity glossy
  • Processor 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T9600
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk 2x160GB
  • Graphics card 512 MB GeForce 9600M GT
  • Weight 4 kg
  • Price $1600

3. Dell XPS M1530
Dell XPS M1530
Dell XPS M1530

  • Display 15.4 inch
  • Processor 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T8300
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk160GB
  • Graphics card GeForce 8600M GT
  • Weight 2.7 kg
  • Price $2300

4. AVADirect D901C
AVADirect D901C
AVADirect D901C

  • Display 17 inch
  • Processor 3.3GHz Intel Core Duo E8600 Processor
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk 500GB
  • Graphics card Dual GeForce 9800M GTX
  • Weight 5.9 kg
  • Price $4000

5. iBuyPower Battalion Touch CZ-10
iBuyPower Battalion Touch CZ-10
iBuyPower Battalion Touch CZ-10

  • Display 15.6 inch
  • Processor 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo P8700
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk 320GB
  • Graphics card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 (512MB)
  • Weight 2.7 kg
  • Price $1250

6. Dell XPS Studio 16
Dell XPS Studio 16
Dell XPS Studio 16

  • Display 16.0 inch 1080p Full HD RGBLED LCD
  • Processor 2.4-GHz Intel Core 2 Duo P8600
  • RAM 4GB DDR3
  • Hard Disk 320GB
  • Graphics card ATI Mobility RADEON HD 3670 (512MB)
  • Weight 3 kg
  • Price $1800

The Spanish company has shown four of their latest netbook on LibreMeeting event sponsored by the Free Knowledge Foundation in Madrid. among the latest netbook, there are two super netbook models that support environmentally friendly solar panels and made of bio plastic.

Environmentally friendly devices are sold at a price range of 130 to 160 euros or 180 to 220 U.S. dollars, with a weight of 700 grams, using the Linux operating system and processor speed 400MHz.

iUnika has put 64GB of flash memory as storage media, 128MB RAM, WiFi and 10/100 Ethernet for connectivity. Netbook with 8-inch screen capable of supporting a resolution of 800x480 pixels.


Although there is a version that uses a solar panel on bio-plastic casing that can be recycled, visible from the panel image is not enough to produce power more than 4 watts. power consumption is about 3-4 watts, most likely solar panels are only sufficient to store the data shortly after the battery runs out and shutdown properly. However, the effort to make these environmentally friendly netbook deserves thumbs up.
WASHINGTON  - The mission of mapping the sky using spacecraft Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) managed to find at least 33 000 new asteroids residing in the region between Mars and Jupiter and 20 comets, and 134 other outer space objects near the Earth.

All these findings can now be accessed online at the site WISE. For amateur astronomers, this data can be accessed by clicking WISE gallery.

Pete Schultz, astronauts from Brown University who was involved in this project, said, "These findings can now be accessed spectacular that this proves that we have many new neighbors."

"Latest Catalog of space rock that helps increase our knowledge about the contents of the solar system,"

Edward Wright of UCLA, who led the investigation said, "Starting today, thousands of eyes will see the WISE data and I expect surprises."

While William Keel, an astronomer at the University of Alabama, have used these data to kuasar detection.

WISE Space Telescope worth USD320 million, was launched in December 2009.

In October 2010, the cooling hydrogen in the spacecraft was exhausted and could only extend the mission for four months. Starting in February 2011, WISE entered a period of hibernation.

During the 14 months since the launch of the mission, WISE managed to capture 2.5 million images from its orbit. The data was released online today only 57 percent of which have been observed, whereas other data will be released in 2012.

WISE also can help scientists to explain the size and composition of the rocks found in the new space.
WISE mission managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The mission is a continuation of the mission of mapping the sky using infrared waves, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, launched in 1983

Titan Ocean Subsurface Soil

Posted by Bedz kamhaj | 5:03 AM | , , , | 1 comments »
SIDNEY - Saturn's largest moon may have ocean beneath the soil surface covered with ice. according to a recent study.

Research conducted by Dr. Rose-Marie Baland and colleagues from the Royal Observatory of Belgium described the conditions on Titan, thought to have an atmosphere similar to Earth in the early days. Similarly, as reported by ABC Science, on Tuesday (26/04/2011).

In the study published in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics, Baland and his colleagues have concluded after examining the data seven years from the Cassini satellite, which monitors the orbit and rotation of Titan.

They found the level of humidity on Titan 50 percent higher than it should be the core surface of a moon / planet.

This can be explained if the thickness of Titan are more inclined to the surface of the core.

"This is not something impossible, based on our understanding of how planets and the moon formed," said Baland.

Another possibility is said by Baland and colleagues is, the core of Titan is not completely solid. "There could be below the surface of sea ice," he said.

Even so, scientists say that their findings are not the final thing, because they still do another study.

Scientists also believe there are believed to be water on Jupiter's three-month, ie, Europa, Callisto, and Ganymede. A recent report, two other Saturn moon, Enceladus and Tethys are also estimated to contain water.

Researchers even earlier according to NASA, Titan also shows that there is the possibility of water at a depth of 100 kilometers below the surface.

Cassini satellite that launched the U.S. and Europe that record the structure of Titan's surface using radar penetrate thick clouds. Cassini perform 19 times maneuver around the object is between October 2005 and 2007.

From the photos submitted, the scientists succeeded in mapping the 50 objects, such as lakes, valleys, and mountains on Titan's surface. However, recent photographs show that in some locations there is a change shape or move up to as far as 30 kilometers.

Wind strength in a very thick atmosphere of Titan is not too enough to explain this shift. The scientists involved in the Cassini mission believes it can only happen if there is water between the crust and core. However, further research should be conducted to find out the truth
Le Beanock hammock bed
Image: Le Beanock.
Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design American Cars Design Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design
 Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design-American Cars Design

These unique designs for furniture table and chairs is a unique furniture with old cars design. With the old car concept was to make this furniture is very unique and interesting to look at. Have you ever thought if there is a chair with a shape resembling the American car? Or VW Bumper made a chair? Indeed, this furniture is very unique and classical. Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design.

Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design Unique Table Unique Furniture with Old Cars Concept Furniture Design
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